Saturday, April 30, 2011

Beauty in unexpected places

Today I'm using Miroslav Fišmeister's photographs. He has so many it's hard to choose. Some, such as the butterflies, are predictably beautiful if one takes the time to be still and look closely. Others, the bee and the ladybug, are charming and maybe more of a surprise. The bee's gossamer wings enchant me, and the yellow flower is a perfect setting.
Note: Click on the link top right to the Bee page to see a larger one. It's beautiful!

These photos are from the Czech Republic.

Here are a few quotes I found that I like. Oscar Wilde never disappoints.

The most beautiful thing in the world is, precisely, the conjunction of learning and inspiration. Oh, the passion for research and the joy of discovery!
- Wanda Landowska

I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering; surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy!
- Louise Bogan

It is better to be beautiful than good, but it is better to be good than ugly.
- Oscar Wilde

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious - the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
Living Philosophies, 1931
- Albert Einstein


Henry Psanec said...

Thank you!

Yesterday I watched an interview with one of our great photographers, Miloš Budík ( He said it was true that a photographer can be satisfied if (s)he manages to take four great photos in his/her life.

Interestingly, Gottfried Benn said: "None of the great lyrical poets of our age left more than six or eight perfect poems; the rest of his work can be interesting from the biographical point of view or when you want to study the author's development, but the poems that are perfect themselves, that shine themselves, that are deeply fascinating, there's always just a few of them – and for these six poems thirty or fifty years of asceticism, suffering and fighting."

/Problems of lyrical poetry, 1951/

Ellis Vidler said...

That's an awfully high standard, Henry. Maybe I'm not quite such a perfectionist. If I like someone's work, I usually find more than a few to love. One or two may be better in my opinion, but the next person usually sees it differently. In these photos, the bee is perfect. Everything came together in the best possible way.

Henry Psanec said...

Actually, one of our poets, František Halas, said "two or three perfect poems".

Polly Iyer said...

Lovely photos, Ellis. Henry's vision of perfection is way over my standards. But then, like beauty, perfection is in the eye or heart of the beholder.