Saturday, November 24, 2012

Scenery and Imagination

  Sometimes I wish I could work at my kitchen sink. I like the view, and I can imagine all sorts of things when I look out the window.
   But would I sit and daydream? Probably. The coffee pot sits right there, so I wouldn't have to get up much.
   Warm, happy scenes or possibly adventures could take place in the autumn when the colors are bright.
   Soon, though, the view will turn bleak. What few leaves remain will be brown and dead, although the firs and some shrubs will be green. And the birds and squirrels will still come. They're always interesting.

   Yesterday dawn brought a lovely sky, and I took this from the deck.
   Do you use photographs to take you places? I do that. I take pictures of houses for my characters to live in, find photos of the characters, and refer to them.
   Are you influenced by the view and the season? Or do you live in your imagination?


Leslie Ann aka LA said...

Wow, what wonderful views.

I'm very influenced by the seasons and the view.

Colorado in the winter can be very brown, which is why I'm so thrilled when it snows :)

And I take scads of pictures I use either for scrapbooking or my world building when I write.

I think that's why I love screenwriting so much as well my novel writing, because I love to write visually, can see the scenes in my head. So much so, I forget to add some of the other senses.

Happy Thanksgiving, Ellis.

Ellis Vidler said...

I've never tried screen writing, but it sounds like good training for any kind of fiction.
The subdivision where I live is heavily wooded, so it's a good habitat for birds and squirrels (and an occasional snake :-( ), but when the leaves go we can see the other houses.
Once in a while we get snow. I take loads of pictures then too. Ours only lasts a few days and isn't usually deep. But it's fun!

Sandy Cody said...

Chiming in late - just found this post. I can dream hours away looking out my window. We recently acquired a cat after being petless for a number of years. I love watching her as she looks out the window, seeing the tip of her tail twitch while she stares at the squirrels and birds just beyond reach. I have to wonder what I could learn if I could read the minds of animals and very young children.